Despite the construction industry being one of the slowest industries to uptake AI, it has the potential to help stakeholders understand the value by overcoming some of the toughest challenges including safety concerns, labour shortages and schedule overruns.
Artificial intelligence is a term to describe a machine that meticulously mimics human cognitive functions, like problem-solving, pattern recognition, and learning. In construction, data is being created everyday, especially when it comes to health and safety records, AI systems adapt and improve the existing networks in place allowing for processes to become seamless.
Opportunities are regularly presented for the construction industry to utilise AI as data is generated from images, videos, health & safety documents, building information etc. This allows industry professionals to benefit from insights by analysing the data captured by AI, with a goal of improving processes.
So what does the future of AI in construction look like? Engineers can utilise virtual reality headsets to send avatars into buildings under construction, which helps track the work as it progresses. Many companies are using artificial intelligence to develop safety systems for worksites, meaning employers can track the safety of machinery and objects and alert supervisors to any health hazards, construction errors or even productivity issues. Despite AI replacing human job roles, it is unlikely to replace the construction workforce, instead altering the business model to reduce expensive errors and reduce worksite injuries.
At iPhorms, using the latest technology, we have implemented our Employee Smart Hub system for our clients from all different industries. Using Face Stamp Recognition and GPS, it is a branded and bespoke system, designed and built around your company and your requirements, providing exactly what you need. It ensures that your team of remote on-site workers are safe and have everything they need to complete the task.
If you would like to find out more about iPhorms, contact one of our team members to arrange a no obligation consultation.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay