
Just before we introduce ourselves and our software, I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all the association members who transformed to a digital solution and are now using the iPhorms App.

We are a tech solutions business, based in Macclesfield. We provide software to help save you Money, Time and potentially Lives. Our most recent development was the iPhorms App which is so simple, easy to use and will transform all your paper work into a digital solution with absolutely no disruption whatsoever to your current workflow.

The App is bespoke and will identically convert your current paper work into a digital format at the touch of a button, speeding up the administration process with the admin team not sitting round waiting on half completed forms. The Timesheets and Clocking-in procedure will now be completed on the mobile phone/ smart device recording the precise date, time and location of where the employee has clocked-in or out. Think of the time and money this alone has saved hundreds of firms up and down the country. A complete eradication of paper work and a transition that is simple, easy to use and easy to see why thousands of operatives are using the App on their smart device.

We have been presenting our technology to firms all over the UK and Ireland for a few years and we have been delighted with the speed at which our portfolio has grown. What’s clear is more and more firms are adopting this process as our incoming enquiries have quadrupled in the past four months, as Directors are placing paramount importance on Compliance and Health and Safety, accountability, and traceability within a digitised system.

Administration and Accounts departments have seen the benefits of the process as they can see the instant saving both in terms of time and money by not chasing day to day paper work associated within the Construction and Scaffolding world, such as Timesheets, Handovers, Rams, Vehicle Inspection forms, etc. All paper is now completed on the Smart device and immediately sent to the relevant department.

By using the iPhorms App, it changes the way a firm operates. Systems, processes, workflow and culture are all part of this streamlining exercise making systems and procedures much more fluid.

The software eradicates the need for paper and transforms each level of the business, bringing together data across different departments via the iPhorms App. From Foremen/Supervisors or the scaffolders to the Administration/ Accounts team to the senior management, all areas are now working together more efficiently.

If you would like to find out why almost 300 firms across the UK and Ireland are using the App then why not call iPhorms for a free consultation for a no obligation quotation?
Don’t take our word for it; see what our clients are saying on our video link below.

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